Degrees of lewdity 3.2
Degrees of lewdity 3.2

Trivia: Interesting facts about the character, community speculation etc."There are X feats associated with, these are.".Include a table structure for the feat, as the respective page handles it.Unlockables: Primarily used for any possible feats to be obtained with a specific NPC, such as virginity-related or Social feats.Serves as an overall collection of events/questlines regarding the NPC and their interactions with the player character. Walkthrough: Details the NPC's events beyond the first meeting, as well as any potential quests they have.Personality: How does the NPC act towards others? What are their interests? What words can you use to describe the NPC?.If they do not have specific stats tied to them, how do they behave towards the player? Can the player influence their relationship? Relationship: Any specific stats they have? Dominance for Whitney, Jealousy for Kylar etc.For People of Interest, include Love stat etc. Robin's lemonade stand, where they can be encountered etc. First Meeting: An NPC's first initial encounter with the player.Whitney is described as having blonde hair over one eye. Description: A canon description of the character - i.e.This guideline is considered more a tip than an actual guideline to follow, but please do keep it in mind. Some special exceptions may include pages like the Feats page, however. Hyperlink to another page after you have already linked it previously within the same page.Grammar/typo fixes are perfectly acceptable, however. Use italics, bold text, underlining or any other way of text formatting however you want, just use it in moderation. Keep things on topic and about Degrees of Lewdity, please. Write an article as if the reader is playing casually without the use of cheats. These are optional, and are not the recommended way of playing. Mark articles as a stub if they are incomplete for convenience.While you do not have to do this every time (especially for minor edits) it would be recommended to do so for larger edits like adding new events to pages, or reformatting older pages. Add a quick reason to what you edited.Ideally we want the wiki's content to be accurate with the most recent version of the game, and have the wiki have as much information as humanly possible.


  • Update out-of-date information about the game on certain pages.
  • While cursing is allowed on pages, ensure that it's either included in event transcripts or included in speech marks to indicate it was said by an NPC.
  • Creating new categories is also allowed, but please do not go overboard with it.
  • Creating new pages is allowed, but make sure it has content first.
  • For example, instead of "You enter the building", it becomes "The player enters the building".
  • When detailing events, make sure you write in third person.
  • However, a reference is provided if you do wish to write in British English: Small or large edits made to "correct" the language to American English are generally unnecessary. Writing in American English is considered as perfectly acceptable. You do not need to know the difference between American and British English to edit at all, do not feel discouraged.
  • First and foremost, just like the game itself we use British English.
  • While you do not need to follow these to a tee, it's heavily advised to stick to the guidelines wherever possible.

    degrees of lewdity 3.2

    Here is a list of guidelines for those who wish to contribute. Questions about the wiki can be asked in either the Official Discord in #wiki-discussion, or through direct messaging to the wiki's moderators.This is to avoid dismissive comments of what is described on the wiki as simply being "head canon". Try to provide official sources for certain canon, such as developer comments on transformations and key events.Statements such as "A popular fan interpretation is." and so on are also allowed. However, fanart is accepted as there will be fan-art galleries dedicated to an NPC, to spice up the page as NPCs are only represented within the game as combat silhouettes - they will not have a set appearance visualized, only described.Refer to them as "they" rather than specific sexes. Both NPCs can be both male or female - there is no canon choice of an NPC being a specific sex, to leave things up to the player's own interpretation. Other NPCs may have descriptions in-game about them, such as Whitney. For instance, named NPCs such as Robin do not have a canon appearance.Do not add fanon in trivia sections, for example - this will be removed. Fan interpretations are merely headcanons, and do not reflect what is official.Check General Guidelines for more information. This includes removing information or adding irrelevant content. It goes without saying, but rude behaviour towards others is not accepted.The rules here are fairly straightforward.

    Degrees of lewdity 3.2