Yellow and purple: Natural-born speedster Nora West-Allen emitted a combination of both yellow and purple lightning while running, though the reason for having multi-colored lightning is currently unknown.However, the reason for this lightning coloration is currently unknown. Purple: Purple lightning has been produced by "Accelerated Man" and temporarily Iris West-Allen after Matthew Kim transferred Barry's powers to her.It is also generated by August Heart after using a combination of tachyons and Velocity-9. It is a result of his lightning reflecting through his armor when he runs while wearing it. White: White lightning is generated by the self-proclaimed "god of speed" Savitar, who is actually a time remnant of Barry Allen.Blue lightning could also be seen coming off of Godspeed due to the Velocity-9 he used to gain his speed. While greatly increasing the user's speed, it also comes with lethal/life-threatening side-effects as seen with speedsters like Hunter Zolomon and Eliza Harmon, causing cellular degeneration, as well as a split personality in the case of the latter. Blue: Blue lightning generation is the result of an individual speedster who artificially enhances an existing Speed Force connection, or by artificially gaining access to the Speed Force through a strong enough dosage of the Velocity drug.Hunter Zolomon who are taken by Time Wraiths into the Speed Force also Possible that Clariss exercised his own hate to connect to the It is unknown why Clariss has red lightning but it is Red lightning is seen in Eobard himself as well asĮdward Clariss. Red: Red lightning is typically the result of a speedster having aĬonnection to an Artificial Speed Force, such as the Negative Speedįorce, which Eobard Thawne created at some point after recreating theįlash's powers.Yellow is seen from Barry Allen, Jay Garrick, Jesse Wells, Wally West, Blitzkrieg, Barry Allen from Earth-90 and also formerly from Hunter Zolomon and Eliza Harmon.

At the same time, as speedsters continue to develop their powers, such as Jay Garrick and Barry Allen, they eventually begin to exhibit a more orange coloring. Yellow: Yellow lightning represents a pure or natural connection to the Speed Force.The Arrow Fandom Wiki has these color breakdowns